O Grupo de Amigos de Castelo de Vide é uma Associação regionalista, fundada a 24 de dezembro de 1992. Esta Associação, de fins não lucrativos, é formada por naturais, residentes e amigos do concelho de Castelo de Vide, por tempo indeterminado, com a finalidade da defesa, da divulgação e do progresso dos interesses do concelho, bem como o intercâmbio humano entre residentes e não residentes.
A Associação tem por objectivo impulsionar e desenvolver o estudo e defesa dos interesses viticastrenses, no campo cultural, social, artístico, desportivo e turístico. Propõe-se para tal:
• A divulgação, defesa, estudo e valorização do património histórico, artístico, monumental, arqueológico e etnográfico do concelho.
• Ao desenvolvimento, entre os seus associados, de actividades de carácter intelectual, cultural, desportivo, cívico e de solidariedade.
• À divulgação turística do concelho.
• Ao estudo e à divulgação da realidade económica, social e cultural do Concelho.
• Ao estabelecimento de relações com os Órgãos Autárquicos e Entidades Associativas do concelho, bem como com outros núcleos, designadamente com a Casa do Alentejo, e ainda, com a Imprensa Regional.
A Associação Grupo de Amigos de Castelo de Vide (GACV) é o maior agrupamento associativo do concelho, que conta com centenas de associados efectivos. Para além disso, esta Associação conta ainda com um jornal – Jornal de Notícias de Castelo de Vide, atualmente atualizado, diariamente, no online.
A Associação rege-se pelas disposições aplicáveis às associações, pelo presente estatuto e pelas deliberações válidas da Assembleia Geral.
The Group of Friends of Castelo de Vide (GFCV), hereinafter referred to as Association, is a regional non-profit association, formed by people who were born here, by its inhabitants and by all the friends of the Municipality of Castelo de Vide. It was created for an indefinite period, with the purpose of defending, disseminating and fostering the interests of the Municipality and the human exchanges between residents and non-residents. (Article 1 of the Statutes)
The aim of the Association is to support and develop the study and protection of the citizens’ interests, in the cultural, social, artistic, sporting and tourist fields, without any lucrative purposes. To do so, it promotes:
a) The disclosure, protection, study and valorisation of the historical, artistic, monumental, archaeological and ethnographic heritage of the Municipality.
b) The development of activities of an intellectual, cultural, sporting, civic and solidarity nature, among its associates.
c) The tourism enhancement of the Municipality.
d) The study and dissemination of the economic, social and cultural reality of the Municipality.
e) The establishment of relations with the Municipal Organs and local Associations, as well as with other nuclei, namely with Casa do Alentejo, and the Regional Press. (Article 2 of the Statutes).
The Association was founded on 24 December 1992 with the celebration of a public deed in Marvão, by Dr. Paula Cristina Bettencourt Mendonça Fragoso.
This was followed by the first General Assembly in the Noble Chamber of the Town Hall of Castelo de Vide, where the Social Bodies were chosen and members were enrolled with arbitrarily assigned numbers.
These two Articles of the Association’s Statutes describe the principles and objectives that led us to the creation of the GFCV, but even more important, the Governing Bodies, including the Directorates that were elected over the years and gave full compliance to its content (sometimes with many difficulties), and transformed it into the largest associative group of the county with many hundreds of effective members.
The Association – Group of Friends of Castelo de Vide – exceeded all expectations and after a few months it had more than three hundred members.
The Social Bodies, on the margins of the Statutes (it should be emphasized), decided to “offer a gift to their associates” creating a support that would unite “this growing family” even more.
It was in this way, fruit of much labour and commitment of a vast team, to whom we are all grateful, that the newspaper Notícias de Castelo de Vide was born on April 1, 1994.
Since the first hour the Director of the paper was Dr. Alexandre Cordeiro, having initially as Editor-in-Chief António Manuel Raposo Pena (already deceased) and later José Rui Rabaça.
The role that the Notícias de Castelo de Vide newspaper came to play in the life of the Group of Friends of Castelo de Vide was fundamental for local development, linking the Castelovidenses who reside inside and outside the county and extending this association to peripheral territories.
Celebrating events, publishing books, leaflets and postcards, creating environmental and cultural itineraries and circuits, organising cultural and leisure trips, festivals, or carrying out thematic workshops are some of our current objectives.
Within the spirit of the project, we have applied to the First Participatory Budget of Portugal for a project called Entre Diálogos – evocation of Garcia de Orta in the 450th anniversary of his death.